Tastes better and is much cheaper to make. Just pennies to make. Use my secret ingredient that makes it thick and rich.
1 cup cocoa powder 2 1/2 cups sugar 1 tsp salt 1 cup water 2 tbsp corn syrup (omit if desired. I added because it adds longevity to the product)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp lecithin, powder (optional)
1. Combine in a fairly large pot (you need room in the pot as the mixture expands a fair amount): cocoa powder, sugar, salt, water, and corn syrup. Over moderate heat; stir continually; boil for 3 minutes.
2. Remove from heat. Add 1 tsp vanilla extract. Cool 15-30 mins minutes. Place in a clean container, store in the fridge.
Note: I don’t know the shelf life; a couple weeks at least perhaps three. Don’t forget to date your homemade goods. Oh and I did a blind-taste test against store-bought syrup. My kids chose the homemade. Lol!
The syrup is tad on the thin side; if you prefer a slightly thicker product add lecithin. Stir into the syrup after adding extract.